Monday, July 30, 2012


I am not believing it's raining again! I love water and green grass as much as the next person but it feels like a month since I've gotten to run outside. Like clockwork lately: sunny morning, sunny afternoon, change into gym clothes, boom! It's pouring. I'd run outside anyway except that I have to take my phone with me. Being relegated to the treadmill (with cable) in an air-conditioned gym is clearly a first-world problem so I won't waste any more time complaining about it.

And ... Evan's up. Maybe I should consider abandoning blogging for tweeting?

Monday, July 16, 2012


It's been a crazy few weeks, full of birthday parties, playdates, traveling, deadlines, minor but lingering illnesses and a bit of drama, but all that's over now and it feels so good to be back to summer's usual slower pace.

Well, I got one sentence in before Evan woke up. That's better than nothing.