Unpolished Pen
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Georgia-bound for wedding weekend fun and staying in Greenville tonight to break up the trip. I can't visit this town without half-seriously trying to persuade Matt to move here. #wetookthemouttoaballgame
via Instagram http://ift.tt/298UaaI
Hoops you have to jump through when you use Rodan + Fields. 😜 #rodanandfields
via Instagram http://ift.tt/29a1wu8
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
I love my new #pimpinjoy tank! Cute top, great cause - can't go wrong. Thank you @theshopforward! #itsbeenagoodweekformail
via Instagram http://ift.tt/293UTc0
The kids couldn't wait to show me the "ant playground" they built of sand and tortilla chips while I was running. That glass jar contains Claire's new "pet" aunts, the ones she caught and named. Maggie the cat is dubious, as am I. 😳 #justno
via Instagram http://ift.tt/29ovMAV
Monday, June 27, 2016
Claire fell in love with an Old Navy clearance swimsuit at the beach last week. Since her birthday's in a few days and she has no shortage of suits, I told her she could either give me $5 for the suit and wear it right away, or I would buy it for her as part of her birthday present, but then she wouldn't get it until her birthday. Her default mode is delayed gratification and that won ... until tonight. I went out for a little while, and when I returned, Matt handed me this. "Here are the five dollars for the bathing suit. I love you." 😍 #firstworlddecisions
via Instagram http://ift.tt/28YsIKN
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Family board-game night. #boardgames #cranium #tinyartist
via Instagram http://ift.tt/28VWr7a
When I was a kid I usually had, like, a dozen pen-pals at any given time. I mean, I was absolutely obsessed with writing letters and receiving them; I requested rolls of stamps as birthday gifts. And I clearly remember the wonderful anticipation of heading home from family vacations and knowing I'd have a big stack of mail waiting for me, in the front seat of the car we hadn't driven, where my grandparents or a neighbor always left it along with the newspapers they collected for us while we were gone. // This assortment of packages that I found at the front door when we got home from the beach today is kind of the grown-up version of all that. Yes, they mostly contain school uniforms and business cards, but the sight gave me a little thrill all the same. #imanerd #mailcall #penpals
via Instagram http://ift.tt/29d0jld
Saturday, June 25, 2016
By hitting Level III in my Rodan + Fields business this week, I qualified for a bonus equivalent to my entire initial investment through our ongoing corporate Fast Start incentive. This is in ADDITION to the regular paychecks and bonuses I've earned, through which I'd already made that start-up money back multiple times over. It has been five months almost to the day since I signed on with R+F. Five months just IS NOT A LONG TIME, people! If you're curious, abso-freakin-lutely message me. I can't think of a single good reason not to. http://ift.tt/1p4EMCi #rodanandfields #rodanfields #thisistherealdeal #thankful
via Instagram http://ift.tt/28U7fFC
Thursday, June 23, 2016
#rodanfields #rodanandfields #rfswag #rfconsultant #rfgifts #rfteam #etsyshop #etsyseller #jenniferdaredesigns #staytuned #unpolishedpen #rodanfields #rodanandfields #rfswag #rfconsultant #rfgifts #rfteam #etsyshop #etsyseller #jenniferdaredesigns #staytuned
via Instagram http://ift.tt/28PlaLC
We're baaack! #welovesummer #welovethebeach #thesearethedays #unpolishedpen We're baaack! #welovesummer #welovethebeach #thesearethedays
via Instagram http://ift.tt/28Ve767
Many a June morning, the prospect of blackberries along the trail is the only reason I lace up and run. #blackberryseason #summerlove #willrunforblackberries #run #runner #running #unpolishedpen Many a June morning, the prospect of blackberries along the trail is the only reason I lace up and run. #blackberryseason #summerlove #willrunforblackberries #run #runner #running
via Instagram http://ift.tt/28PPapO
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
I've always found "rest when the baby rests" impossible to execute unless it's a) someone else's baby and b) someone else's house and c) a really good book. #checkcheckcheck #babylove #unpolishedpen I've always found "rest when the baby rests" impossible to execute unless it's a) someone else's baby and b) someone else's house and c) a really good book. #checkcheckcheck #babylove
via Instagram http://ift.tt/28PThpe
Sunday, June 19, 2016
He's the very best. #happyfathersday #wewonthelottery #unpolishedpen He's the very best. #happyfathersday #wewonthelottery
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1tDL12c
Thursday, June 16, 2016
It's not just about the freedom to spend every long lazy summer day at some body of water with my kids, although I do that and I'm glad I can. It's about having the flexibility to drop everything and help dear friends in tangible ways when they need it. And being able to give more generously to causes that matter to me. And not having to choose between being present with the people I love most and doing work that challenges me, energizes me, and brings in significant income. This is the freedom I'm obsessed with, and it's priceless. http://ift.tt/1p4EMCi #rodanandfields #rodanfields #changingskinchanginglives #letstalk #joinme #unpolishedpen It's not just about the freedom to spend every long lazy summer day at some body of water with my kids, although I do that and I'm glad I can. It's about having the flexibility to drop everything and help dear friends in tangible ways when they need it. And being able to give more generously to causes that matter to me. And not having to choose between being present with the people I love most and doing work that challenges me, energizes me, and brings in significant income. This is the freedom I'm obsessed with, and it's priceless. http://ift.tt/1p4EMCi #rodanandfields #rodanfields #changingskinchanginglives #letstalk #joinme
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1XrJEiT
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Homeward bound. We sure are going to miss these three! @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta #unpolishedpen Homeward bound. We sure are going to miss these three! @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
All. Day. Long. ☀️#waterbabies #pooldays #thumbsup #unpolishedpen All. Day. Long. ☀️#waterbabies #pooldays #thumbsup
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1toVfTp
Monday, June 13, 2016
It was a good day. Again. 😍 #summervacation #friendswhoarefamily #unpolishedpen @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta It was a good day. Again. 😍 #summervacation #friendswhoarefamily @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta
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Yep, it's blackberry season. #unpolishedpen #blackberryseason Yep, it's blackberry season. #blackberryseason
via Instagram http://ift.tt/25TqE22
Sunday, June 12, 2016
I'm thinking we should make this an annual summer tradition. What say you, @libbarmenta and @jorgeaarmenta? #summer vacation #friendswhoarefamily #unpolishedpen I'm thinking we should make this an annual summer tradition. What say you, @libbarmenta and @jorgeaarmenta? #summer vacation #friendswhoarefamily
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1UMkZPS
Saturday, June 11, 2016
We're outnumbered 5-2 for a few fun days. So far so good! I'm determined to keep better track of these borrowed humans than I do of my library books. 😜 #unpolishedpen #outnumbered #friendswhoarefamily @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta We're outnumbered 5-2 for a few fun days. So far so good! I'm determined to keep better track of these borrowed humans than I do of my library books. 😜 #outnumbered #friendswhoarefamily @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta
via Instagram http://ift.tt/231g1Vw
Friday, June 10, 2016
Claire's first official overdue notice arrived today! I'm not proud, exactly, but I know that either by nature or nurture (maybe both), she gets this from me. I pony up for some fine or another almost every time I'm at the library, and I consider it one small way to support an institution I love. Which is not to say I'm paying this fee for her. 😬#onlystingypeopleturninlibrarybooksontime #libraries #books #reader #reading #unpolishedpen Claire's first official overdue notice arrived today! I'm not proud, exactly, but I know that either by nature or nurture (maybe both), she gets this from me. I pony up for some fine or another almost every time I'm at the library, and I consider it one small way to support an institution I love. Which is not to say I'm paying this fee for her. 😬#onlystingypeopleturninlibrarybooksontime #libraries #books #reader #reading
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1U5cNjv
Why am I constantly posting about Rodan + Fields? Because this is my business, and I work it virtually. If I owned a store, I would put an OPEN sign in my window every day. My posts are my R+F OPEN sign! I'm here to show you what my products can do for you, and to share the business opportunity with you as well if you're interested. I work every day, but on my own terms. I love this company, its core values, and what it is doing for me, my family and my friends. It can do it for you too. http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM #rodanandfields #rodanfields #changingskinchanginglives #ilovemyjob #unpolishedpen Why am I constantly posting about Rodan + Fields? Because this is my business, and I work it virtually. If I owned a store, I would put an OPEN sign in my window every day. My posts are my R+F OPEN sign! I'm here to show you what my products can do for you, and to share the business opportunity with you as well if you're interested. I work every day, but on my own terms. I love this company, its core values, and what it is doing for me, my family and my friends. It can do it for you too. http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM #rodanandfields #rodanfields #changingskinchanginglives #ilovemyjob
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1syIs0z
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Afternoon art on the porch. #summervacation #unpolishedpen Afternoon art on the porch. #summervacation
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ZvKngT
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Me. 1995. Running like a raptor, draped in an oversized Christian T-shirt and baggy sweats. Forcing myself to breathe through my nose during track practice because I thought it made me look cooler. Y'all, being a teenager is hard enough without adding acne to the mix. // If you're old enough for breakouts, you're old enough for UNBLEMISH, and the success stories of preteens and teens might be my very favorites. I never get tired of messages like this (from a local mom friend): "It's working! ... She is less self-conscious, which is the biggest bonus for me." 'Nuff said. Message me. http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM #rodanfields #unblemish #teenacne #oldschool #trackpractice #unpolishedpen Me. 1995. Running like a raptor, draped in an oversized Christian T-shirt and baggy sweats. Forcing myself to breathe through my nose during track practice because I thought it made me look cooler. Y'all, being a teenager is hard enough without adding acne to the mix. // If you're old enough for breakouts, you're old enough for UNBLEMISH, and the success stories of preteens and teens might be my very favorites. I never get tired of messages like this (from a local mom friend): "It's working! ... She is less self-conscious, which is the biggest bonus for me." 'Nuff said. Message me. http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM #rodanfields #unblemish #teenacne #oldschool #trackpractice
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1XvoGAs
Passing the miles with peach after juicy peach from a roadside stand. #southcarolinapeaches #betterthananipad #unpolishedpen Passing the miles with peach after juicy peach from a roadside stand. #southcarolinapeaches #betterthananipad
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Y9zO4B
Our last-morning-at-the-beach breakfast tradition. We'll be back soon! #unpolishedpen #traditions #bigdogbreakfast #goldengriddle #summervacation Our last-morning-at-the-beach breakfast tradition. We'll be back soon! #traditions #bigdogbreakfast #goldengriddle #summervacation
via Instagram http://ift.tt/210U3QQ
Saturday, June 4, 2016
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Friday, June 3, 2016
#thesearethedays #summervacation #happymama #unpolishedpen #thesearethedays #summervacation #happymama
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ZkJJmu
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Six product placements in a single shot! Eight if I mention that we accidentally left the @southernpinesbrewing Man of Law at home so we're drinking whatever John and Amy (Matthews Land Surveying) left in the fridge when they used the beach condo a few weeks ago. @teemhaiti @runinourtribe @jenniferdaredesigns @nutrishopsouthernpines @rodanfields #unpolishedpen #rodanandfields #jenniferdaredesigns #reversesunscreen #soothesunscreen #shamelessproductplacement #ilovemyjobs #southernpines #southernpinesnc #summervacation Six product placements in a single shot! Eight if I mention that we accidentally left the @southernpinesbrewing Man of Law at home so we're drinking whatever John and Amy (Matthews Land Surveying) left in the fridge when they used the beach condo a few weeks ago. @teemhaiti @runinourtribe @jenniferdaredesigns @nutrishopsouthernpines @rodanfields #rodanandfields #jenniferdaredesigns #reversesunscreen #soothesunscreen #shamelessproductplacement #ilovemyjobs #southernpines #southernpinesnc #summervacation
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1X18Z35
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
#thesearethedays #happysummer #happykids #happymamas #poollife #unpolishedpen @carriekirby @kmhainley #thesearethedays #happysummer #happykids #happymamas #poollife @carriekirby @kmhainley
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1VwGrgH
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