Unpolished Pen
Friday, December 25, 2015
#fourgenerations #unpolishedpen @altspartan #fourgenerations @altspartan
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ZtbOZf
Thursday, December 24, 2015
#cousins #unpolishedpen @carriekirby @karajanek @skirby888 #cousins @carriekirby @karajanek @skirby888
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1VediEr
Friday, December 18, 2015
I don't pay too much attention to stats in my Etsy shop, but when I got eight orders of this print during one Monopoly game last night, I had to investigate. Turns out it was included in a list of 26 gifts for people "who'd rather live between the pages of a book." Thank you, @buzzfeed! Anybody else want one? $10 for a hard copy, $5 for an instant download, and I'll throw in free domestic shipping for prints claimed on Instagram and Facebook (leave your email address in the comments). #jenniferdaredesigns #unpolishedpen #buzzfeed #reader #reading #books #vintagedictionary #etsyshop #etsyseller I don't pay too much attention to stats in my Etsy shop, but when I got eight orders of this print during one Monopoly game last night, I had to investigate. Turns out it was included in a list of 26 gifts for people "who'd rather live between the pages of a book." Thank you, @buzzfeed! Anybody else want one? $10 for a hard copy, $5 for an instant download, and I'll throw in free domestic shipping for prints claimed on Instagram and Facebook (leave your email address in the comments). #jenniferdaredesigns #buzzfeed #reader #reading #books #vintagedictionary #etsyshop #etsyseller
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1k6u1Mk
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Went in search of my children and found them like this. Cannot decide if this represents a major parenting win (#childhoodunplugged!) or failure (#pneumonia!) but the house is so quiet I can't bring myself to break up the mud party. #unpolishedpen #swimsuitsindecember Went in search of my children and found them like this. Cannot decide if this represents a major parenting win (#childhoodunplugged!) or failure (#pneumonia!) but the house is so quiet I can't bring myself to break up the mud party. #swimsuitsindecember
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1NAfXTP
I still devote two hours once a month to editing. I love that I still get to do (a minuscule amount of) this type of work, but it has an uncanny way of landing on the busiest day every single month. Moving day, marathon day, last full school day before Christmas break ... #whoneedssleep #firstworldproblems #unpolishedpen #jenniferdaredesigns #ilovemyjob #editing #uglyrunnersfeet (Find the mug at my Etsy shop! #shamelessplug) I still devote two hours once a month to editing. I love that I still get to do (a minuscule amount of) this type of work, but it has an uncanny way of landing on the busiest day every single month. Moving day, marathon day, last full school day before Christmas break ... #whoneedssleep #firstworldproblems #jenniferdaredesigns #ilovemyjob #editing #uglyrunnersfeet (Find the mug at my Etsy shop! #shamelessplug)
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1TS1dnd
Monday, December 14, 2015
I've been overusing my treadmill lately because a) the training plan I'm loosely following for Boston calls for a lot of paced runs and b) the treadmill lets me squeeze in a run even if Matt's gone and the kids are home. But this morning I headed outside because it's a 70-degree December day and you can't blow that off like it's nothing. I wound up in the neighborhood across the street, which was part of my regular route when we'd just moved back to Pinehurst and we lived in the neighborhood that backs up to it. When I rounded this curve, I instantly was brought back to the moment during a run 7ish years ago when I hit on the name "Claire" for the baby in my belly. Do runs along old routes spark memories of specific thoughts or conversations that took place there for anyone else? This happens to me all the time. #mademesmile #nostalgia #run #runner #running #memories #unpolishedpen #timeflies I've been overusing my treadmill lately because a) the training plan I'm loosely following for Boston calls for a lot of paced runs and b) the treadmill lets me squeeze in a run even if Matt's gone and the kids are home. But this morning I headed outside because it's a 70-degree December day and you can't blow that off like it's nothing. I wound up in the neighborhood across the street, which was part of my regular route when we'd just moved back to Pinehurst and we lived in the neighborhood that backs up to it. When I rounded this curve, I instantly was brought back to the moment during a run 7ish years ago when I hit on the name "Claire" for the baby in my belly. Do runs along old routes spark memories of specific thoughts or conversations that took place there for anyone else? This happens to me all the time. #mademesmile #nostalgia #run #runner #running #memories #timeflies
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1IQEvv2
Monday, December 7, 2015
So much better than a stamp. #jenniferdaredesigns #unpolishedpen #thesweetestelfintheworld #fragile #etsyshop #etsyseller So much better than a stamp. #jenniferdaredesigns #thesweetestelfintheworld #fragile #etsyshop #etsyseller
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1SJiqPk
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Self-employment perk: knocking off work early so you can curl up with your family to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special while eating popcorn for dinner. #unpolishedpen #jenniferdaredesigns #builderhusband #ilovemyjob #perksofselfemployment Self-employment perk: knocking off work early so you can curl up with your family to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special while eating popcorn for dinner. #jenniferdaredesigns #builderhusband #ilovemyjob #perksofselfemployment
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1QiLhuA
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
More cringe-worthy goodness from the dark recesses of my parents' attic. Apparently Matt and I were one of half a dozen couples featured in this paper's special bridal section the spring we were engaged. "After six years, I know her so well it's ridiculous," Matt said. #wewerebabies #nineteenyearsandcounting #almostvintage #unpolishedpen #atticfinds #loveandmarriage More cringe-worthy goodness from the dark recesses of my parents' attic. Apparently Matt and I were one of half a dozen couples featured in this paper's special bridal section the spring we were engaged. "After six years, I know her so well it's ridiculous," Matt said. #wewerebabies #nineteenyearsandcounting #almostvintage #atticfinds #loveandmarriage
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1NpZMre
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