Sunday, November 4, 2012


It's been a long day, but a good one. For once we were sort of OK with the kids missing the memo about the extra hour of sleep that most people associate with the end of daylight savings time, because the early morning meant we got on the road at a decent hour without having to rush. We actually only stopped twice -- once for lunch, once for cheap South Carolina gas -- so we were in Atlanta by 3 p.m. and even had time for all four of us to doze before dinner. The DVD player in the car was less life-changing than I expected, but it was useful -- probably bought us at least an hour of relative quiet.

The kids are sound asleep now and we're ready to be too, so I'm signing off. I can't believe when we wake up tomorrow Evan will be 2!

P.S. Grandpa Loyd's obituary is online at The man packed a lot into 98 years.

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