Unpolished Pen
Thursday, March 31, 2016
This guy. Our morning coffee-and-conversation living-room dates are one of the best parts of my life. #unpolishedpen #love #coffeedate #wowthemorningsunreallyhighlightsthosedustbunnies This guy. Our morning coffee-and-conversation living-room dates are one of the best parts of my life. #love #coffeedate #wowthemorningsunreallyhighlightsthosedustbunnies
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1pNehRD
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
(Photo cred: Evan) Whereas a) I'm a goal-driven girl and b) I'm THIS close to hitting a crazy R+F goal I set for myself this month and c) Claire and Evan's school is raising money to provide clean water to a community in Uganda, I'm going to donate 100% of my R+F commissions and 100% of profit from my Etsy sales for all orders placed today and tomorrow. Just $20 can provide one person with lifetime access to drinking water! Donations have to be turned in first thing Monday morning, so qualifying orders must be placed by midnight tomorrow (March 31). Shop Jennifer Dare Designs at http://ift.tt/1RLrTDf. Ships worldwide. Shop Rodan + Fields at http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM, but message me before placing an order there so I can hook you up with one of my March Madness freebies. U.S., Canada and APO delivery available. #jenniferdaredesigns #rodanandfields #unpolishedpen #cleanwater #clearskin #crushedgoals #winwinwin (Photo cred: Evan) Whereas a) I'm a goal-driven girl and b) I'm THIS close to hitting a crazy R+F goal I set for myself this month and c) Claire and Evan's school is raising money to provide clean water to a community in Uganda, I'm going to donate 100% of my R+F commissions and 100% of profit from my Etsy sales for all orders placed today and tomorrow. Just $20 can provide one person with lifetime access to drinking water! Donations have to be turned in first thing Monday morning, so qualifying orders must be placed by midnight tomorrow (March 31). Shop Jennifer Dare Designs at http://ift.tt/1RLrTDf. Ships worldwide. Shop Rodan + Fields at http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM, but message me before placing an order there so I can hook you up with one of my March Madness freebies. U.S., Canada and APO delivery available. #jenniferdaredesigns #rodanandfields #cleanwater #clearskin #crushedgoals #winwinwin
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1VTWbtG
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
One of my VERY favorite things is cleaning the pollen from the covered porches! Said no one ever. #somuchpollen #springtimeinthesouth #unpolishedpen One of my VERY favorite things is cleaning the pollen from the covered porches! Said no one ever. #somuchpollen #springtimeinthesouth
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1RNUm1A
Monday, March 28, 2016
Pretty much our favorite place to spend a spring afternoon (pollen-free thanks to yesterday's rain)! #unpolishedpen Pretty much our favorite place to spend a spring afternoon (pollen-free thanks to yesterday's rain)!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1URxvSZ
The mailman brought this and now it's getting real. Really terrifyingly oh-crap I-should-have-been-training-harder-and-now-it's-too-late-to-play-catch-up real. 😳 #bostonmarathon #run #runner #running #unpolishedpen The mailman brought this and now it's getting real. Really terrifyingly oh-crap I-should-have-been-training-harder-and-now-it's-too-late-to-play-catch-up real. 😳 #bostonmarathon #run #runner #running
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ogujlU
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Evan (in his favorite vintage sweatshirt) tackles the pollen situation with a water gun. #unpolishedpen #somuchpollen Evan (in his favorite vintage sweatshirt) tackles the pollen situation with a water gun. #somuchpollen
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ZDK6c1
Friday, March 25, 2016
Send me your sister, your mother, Your neighbors yearning to be wrinkle-free, To remove crow's free and clear acne. Send these, the sun-damaged, skeptical to me, They'll get great skin and you'll get freebies! (Or cash. What's your vote? I'm working on a referral rewards program this weekend.) #rodanandfields #sendmeyourpeeps #referralrewards #unpolishedpen Send me your sister, your mother, Your neighbors yearning to be wrinkle-free, To remove crow's free and clear acne. Send these, the sun-damaged, skeptical to me, They'll get great skin and you'll get freebies! (Or cash. What's your vote? I'm working on a referral rewards program this weekend.) #rodanandfields #sendmeyourpeeps #referralrewards
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1TagnH3
Thursday, March 24, 2016
When you drank caffeine at dinner to stay awake and now it's midnight but you aren't tired and your husband's in a funk because his team's five minutes from the end of its season and tomorrow's a holiday ... you bake cookies. #unpolishedpen #weatethemall When you drank caffeine at dinner to stay awake and now it's midnight but you aren't tired and your husband's in a funk because his team's five minutes from the end of its season and tomorrow's a holiday ... you bake cookies. #weatethemall
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Sa77xH
Monday, March 21, 2016
It takes a real man to help his mom package minifacials. Want one of these to magically appear in your mailbox? Like this post, tag a friend, and I'll send one to you both! #rodanandfields #childlabor #unpolishedpen It takes a real man to help his mom package minifacials. Want one of these to magically appear in your mailbox? Like this post, tag a friend, and I'll send one to you both! #rodanandfields #childlabor
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1RduLf2
Sunday, March 20, 2016
What gives, Dale's? #truthinadvertisingfail #unpolishedpen What gives, Dale's? #truthinadvertisingfail
via Instagram http://ift.tt/25dzfK1
Friday, March 18, 2016
Claire contributed some happy-spring vibes to today's outgoing Etsy packages. #springfever #jenniferdaredesigns #unpolishedpen Claire contributed some happy-spring vibes to today's outgoing Etsy packages. #springfever #jenniferdaredesigns
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Z93Y6D
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Talk about a #throwbackthursday! This seems like a lifetime ago. There was a whole lot I loved about this era, but I wish I could go back and teach my circa 2007-ish self a thing or two about working smarter, not harder. I don't miss rushing through morning coffee dates to get into the office, or leaving the office after dark, exhausted, or arranging my weekends around someone else's schedule. #mycoworkerstho 😍 #teamkirby #worklifebalance #rfperks #unpolishedpen @skirby888 @mistervirtue @carriekirby Talk about a #throwbackthursday! This seems like a lifetime ago. There was a whole lot I loved about this era, but I wish I could go back and teach my circa 2007-ish self a thing or two about working smarter, not harder. I don't miss rushing through morning coffee dates to get into the office, or leaving the office after dark, exhausted, or arranging my weekends around someone else's schedule. #mycoworkerstho 😍 #teamkirby #worklifebalance #rfperks @skirby888 @mistervirtue @carriekirby
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1RQNvP8
Sunday, March 13, 2016
O happy day! The Armentas came to play! #unpolishedpen #bff #soulmatefriends #thesearemypeople @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta O happy day! The Armentas came to play! #bff #soulmatefriends #thesearemypeople @libbarmenta @jorgeaarmenta
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1WiZs3K
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Spring-breaking it up at Great Wolf Lodge! This place is awesome but my favorite part of the day was telling the kids over breakfast to pack their bags because we were coming here. Surprising 5- and 6-year-olds is fun. #greatwolflodge #springbreak #surprisevacay #unpolishedpen Spring-breaking it up at Great Wolf Lodge! This place is awesome but my favorite part of the day was telling the kids over breakfast to pack their bags because we were coming here. Surprising 5- and 6-year-olds is fun. #greatwolflodge #springbreak #surprisevacay
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1QInhlo
Monday, March 7, 2016
I'm excited to announce that some of my #jenniferdaredesigns running-themed notecards and prints can be found in our brand-new local running store, RIOT Southern Pines, opening March 14! We've needed a place like this for a long time and my friend Kelly made it happen. Shop local, friends! #run #runner #running #shoplocal #southernpines #southernpinesnc #unpolishedpen #quotes I'm excited to announce that some of my #jenniferdaredesigns running-themed notecards and prints can be found in our brand-new local running store, RIOT Southern Pines, opening March 14! We've needed a place like this for a long time and my friend Kelly made it happen. Shop local, friends! #run #runner #running #shoplocal #southernpines #southernpinesnc #quotes
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1X6NAC5
Saturday, March 5, 2016
I inexplicably yet very sincerely despise checking my voicemail. This morning I solved, well, not so much my actual problem as the evidence of it. If you need to leave me a message, please text. #firstworldproblems #voicemailphobia #ikindofthoughtthatwouldbeanestablishedhashtag #guessimjustweird #howboutthat #unpolishedpen I inexplicably yet very sincerely despise checking my voicemail. This morning I solved, well, not so much my actual problem as the evidence of it. If you need to leave me a message, please text. #firstworldproblems #voicemailphobia #ikindofthoughtthatwouldbeanestablishedhashtag #guessimjustweird #howboutthat
via Instagram http://ift.tt/24IuEPL
Friday, March 4, 2016
Listen, guys. I was a snob about direct sales in general, and skeptical of Rodan + Fields specifically. The products and the business potential were intriguing, and people I trusted were all about it, but I felt sure that the fine print was loaded with catches. It kept hitting my radar for six months before I finally approached a consultant friend with questions! Five weeks later, I can honestly say that my ONLY regret is not jumping on board sooner. I KNOW some of you are in the same boat. Learn from my mistake! Go ahead and call me, or email me, or send me a message, and hit me with your questions. Just do it. A conversation doesn't commit you to anything, but it could change everything. http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM (for potential customers) http://ift.tt/1p4EMCi (for potential business partners) #rodanandfields #theresareasonthisishuge #ilovemyjob #carpediem #justdoit #joinme #unpolishedpen Listen, guys. I was a snob about direct sales in general, and skeptical of Rodan + Fields specifically. The products and the business potential were intriguing, and people I trusted were all about it, but I felt sure that the fine print was loaded with catches. It kept hitting my radar for six months before I finally approached a consultant friend with questions! Five weeks later, I can honestly say that my ONLY regret is not jumping on board sooner. I KNOW some of you are in the same boat. Learn from my mistake! Go ahead and call me, or email me, or send me a message, and hit me with your questions. Just do it. A conversation doesn't commit you to anything, but it could change everything. http://ift.tt/1nv0BcM (for potential customers) http://ift.tt/1p4EMCi (for potential business partners) #rodanandfields #theresareasonthisishuge #ilovemyjob #carpediem #justdoit #joinme
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1p4EOtK
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Today marks 20 years since Matt asked me to be his girlfriend on that fateful FCA ski trip. This photo, which was taken a month or so later, at our junior prom, is the earliest one I can find of us (remember, back in the olden days, people didn't take multiple pictures every day). Besides being our dating anniversary, March 3 is also my mom's successful liver transplant anniversary, my sister- and brother-in-law's wedding anniversary, my sister's wedding half-anniversary, and my own half-birthday. So much to celebrate today! #unpolishedpen #tbt #juniorprom #circa1996 @altspartan @carriekirby Today marks 20 years since Matt asked me to be his girlfriend on that fateful FCA ski trip. This photo, which was taken a month or so later, at our junior prom, is the earliest one I can find of us (remember, back in the olden days, people didn't take multiple pictures every day). Besides being our dating anniversary, March 3 is also my mom's successful liver transplant anniversary, my sister- and brother-in-law's wedding anniversary, my sister's wedding half-anniversary, and my own half-birthday. So much to celebrate today! #tbt #juniorprom #circa1996 @altspartan @carriekirby
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1TaOXBt
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Product training while marathon training. Who says multitasking is a myth? #rodanandfields #bostonmarathon #lifeproofcase #mizuno #run #runner #running #unpolishedpen Product training while marathon training. Who says multitasking is a myth? #rodanandfields #bostonmarathon #lifeproofcase #mizuno #run #runner #running
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1OPNgBC
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